With more than 90 professions present at the Evian Resort, we seek people who are passionate about our line of work, who can bring a complementary skill set and are driven by a desire to make people happy. The Evian Resort is ever-changing and offers a wide range of challenges and career prospects. 

Be part of the Experience!

Our staff are full of talent and we’re proud of them

From commis chefs and receptionists to gardeners and maître d’s, from spa practitioners and room attendants to sales staff and accountants... there are no fewer than 90 professions to be found at the Evian Resort. A host of possibilities and opportunities awaits!

Over 600 employees work, day after day, to ensure excellence and achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Advanced search

Concierge, Hôtel Royal***** Palace

Contract type CDI

Published on 28/06/2024

Night Audit, (F/H) Hôtel Ermitage****

Contract type CDI

Published on 03/07/2024

Technicien de maintenance (F/H), Pôle Hôtelier

Contract type CDI

Published on 23/07/2024

Assistant.e chef de réception, F/H, Hôtel Ermitage****

Contract type CDI

Published on 04/07/2024

Femme / Valet de chambre, Hôtel Ermitage****

Contract type CDD

Published on 04/07/2024

Animateur(trice) petite enfance F/H

Contract type CDD

Published on 02/07/2024

Commis de cuisine Casino d'Evian, Evian Resort

Contract type Alternance

Published on 30/05/2024

Chef(fe) de projet marketing digital, Evian Resort

Contract type CDD

Published on 20/06/2024

Agent de maintenance F/H, Hôtel Royal*****palace

Contract type CDD

Published on 23/07/2024

Croupier(e) cylindrier (F/H)

Contract type CDI

Published on 04/07/2024

Linger(e) repasseur(se), Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDD

Published on 02/07/2024

Chef de partie (F/H) , Casino

Contract type CDI

Published on 25/06/2024

Linger Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDD

Published on 02/07/2024

Infirmièr(e) de santé au travail

Contract type CDI

Published on 26/06/2024

Hôte(sse) accueil spa, Hôtel Ermitage****

Contract type CDD

Published on 16/07/2024

Stage Assistant.e Adminitratif RH - Evian Resort

Contract type Stage

Published on 30/04/2024

Agent de ménage 35h/semaine F/H , Casino

Contract type CDD

Published on 23/07/2024

Commis de cuisine (F/H), Casino F/H

Contract type CDI

Published on 25/07/2024

Croupier(e) (F/H)

Contract type CDD

Published on 04/07/2024

Femme / Valet de chambre 30h/semaine, Hôtel Royal*****

Contract type CDD

Published on 16/07/2024

Surveillant de baignade, Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDI

Published on 25/07/2024

Extra Hébergement, Evian Resort

Contract type CDD

Published on 09/07/2024

Gouvernant(e) d'étage du soir, Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDD

Published on 16/07/2024

Employé polyvalent, Kid's Resort

Contract type CDD

Published on 13/06/2024

Gouvernant(e) d'étage, Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDI

Published on 09/07/2024

Agent de sécurité SSIAP et TFP APS

Contract type CDI

Published on 20/06/2024

Tourier, (F/H) Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDD

Published on 09/07/2024

Gouvernant(e) administratif(ve), Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDI

Published on 04/07/2024

Hôte(sse) de salle F/H

Contract type CDI

Published on 16/07/2024

Commis de salle Casino d'Evian, Evian Resort

Contract type Alternance

Published on 30/05/2024

Esthéticien(ne) masseur(se) , Les Thermes

Contract type CDD

Published on 20/06/2024

Animateur/trice BAFA, Kid's Resort

Contract type CDD

Published on 14/05/2024

Econome / Magasinier F/H, Evian Resort

Contract type CDI

Published on 23/07/2024

Chef de réception, Hôtel Royal***** palace, Evian Resort

Contract type CDI

Published on 20/06/2024

Educateur(trice) sportif(ve) (BNSSA), Hôtel Royal***** palace

Contract type CDI

Published on 25/07/2024

Barman F/H

Contract type CDI

Published on 16/07/2024

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